Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sunday Love

Happy (post) Love Day!

This year was really the first year that Giancarlo and I got to celebrate V-day in Italy (last year, we were here), and since I was busy working all day on Saturday, Giancarlo decided to cook up something special for Sunday.

A simple wrap up of the day....

I woke up to this

And was given this...

Which had this inside...

Followed by late lunch here...

And we had ourselves some of this...

On the way home, we ran into this...

All in all a very successful Italian V-day! And, I highly recommend the Ristorante Biagi in the Osteria della Lanterna (Via Savenella 9/A- Bologna- closed Tuesdays). There was no menu and the food was absolutely delicious- traditional Bolognese food, which never disappoints!


spiteri-carrillo said...

What a great day!!!!

Mary said...

Wow, just came across your blog. You're so lucky to be in Italy! It must be awesome. Wonderful pics!

Em and GC said...

Thanks Mary!


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