Sunday, November 29, 2009

Il Nostro Thanksgiving

Our first Italian-American Thanksgiving was absolutely amazing. Thanks to Paola and Roberta, (the two awesome ladies that I've been working for at we:plan) and the awesome ristorante Farina here in Bologna (and mama Pacheco for supplying the recipes) we had a beautiful and delicious dinner.

Leading up to Thanksgiving we were both extremely curious about how this was all going to turn out, luckily the ladies had it covered. The turkey was fresh and, an Italian chef prepared everything. FYI- if there's an opposite for the word oxymoron, "Italian chef" would fit the definition. The only question was: "Could an Italian chef make a traditional American meal and make the setting feel kinda like home?"

Answer: You betcha.

As soon as we got to the restaurant, we were greeted by the ladies, the chef... and an American flag draping the carving table! Friends of ours and friends of Paola and Roberta met us at the restaurant as well, and the Thanksgiving festivities commenced.

We have so much to be thankful for living here in Italy, and among our many memories Thanksgiving 2009 will definitely be a night that we'll never ever forget.

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