Monday, March 23, 2009

Lazy Weekend...

This past weekend Giancarlo and I were off again to be Bolognese tourists. Our weekend started Saturday after I finished work. I've had a lot of local Bolognese's and co-workers alike tell me to try this one cafe, Cafe Terzi, across from the main piazza. I was told to go there because they have a thick menu filled with intense versions of caffe`. All different types of flavors and mixes, but slightly expensive (around 2 euro for a caffe`, and 4 for a cappuccino).

Just the second page.... all the different types of cappuccini

After reviewing the menu for 10 minutes (I couldn't decide) I settled on the vanilla creme brulee cappuccino. It tasted as good as it sounded. They also offer coffee classes, which I might have to try.

Just like a real creme brulee, you get to break the sugar top of your cappuccino!

After a very enjoyable caffeine fix, we wandered down to our favorite bar for some Italian rugby and hamburgers for lunch. After eating and not understanding a thing of Rugby, we went to get a gelato near the towers. Well, Giancarlo got a gelato, I snuck in a couple licks and took photos.

The Bologna Towers

One of the many churches next to the towers

Later that night we met with our friend Ele who took us to this new (well, new for us) bar near our apartment. As soon as we walked in, it was a total Brooklyn-type bar and Giancarlo was immediately at home. Plus, the prices were really cheap, and they had a great aperitivo spread. Who needs dinner when you can spend $2.50 on a (big) glass of prosecco and eat for free?

Sunday morning we got up and wanted to go try this new cafe place (the one inside the chocolate store) but they were closed again. So, we opted for round two - tourist style - and had breakfast at a cafe in the piazza.

At 10 a.m. and the piazza is already crowded


The weekend had been cold, but with no clouds in the sky, the sun warmed us up quickly and felt so good. We really didn't want to leave, but one of things that I still hadn't done yet was the Seven Churchs of Santo Stefano. So, post caffeine fix, we made our way over to Santo Stefano and through the churches.

Little background info. from the wiki: Santo Stefano is a complex of religious edifices in the city of Bologna, Italy. Located in the eponymous square, it is locally known as Sette Chiese ("Seven Churches").

According to tradition, it was built by Saint Petronius, who was bishop of the city during the 5th century, over a temple of the goddess Isis. The church of St. John the Baptist (or of the Holy Crucifix) dates from the 8th century, while that of the Holy Sepulchre from the 5th (renovated in the 12th century), as well as that of San Vitale ed Agricola (renovated in the 8th and 11th centuries). A 13th century portico known as "Pilatus' court" connects the other buildings to the church of the Holy Trinity (13th century).

Inside one of the churches

Inside the second church

A worn out piece of art in the church

Inbetween churches

The courtyard

It really is a sight to see. I couldn't fathom how old the church I was looking at was. After spending some time at Santo Stefano we wandered some more up and down the streets.

How cute is he!


Our new ride

On Sunday everything is closed, but we window shopped and imagined that we bought everything our eyes laid their sights on. The weekend flew by, as it so often does, and now it's back to work this week. But the official countdown till next weekend has begun. I'm not sure what we are up to. Giancarlo has taken on the task of surprising me for my birthday next Saturday, so stay tuned...


Polideuce said...

Santo Stefano l'ho vista durante il periodo che ho soggiornato a Bologna; è stata una delle Chiese più belle che ho visto in quel di Bologna...purtroppo non ho mai avuto occasione di entrare in S.Petronio e quindi dovrò rimediare prima o poi.
Intanto visito tutto quel che posso qui vicino :)

The Thomas Kidlets said...

I love seeing pictures of all of your trips and adventures. But when you start talking about sugar topped frothy drinks and real chocolate...I get extremely jealous! It's fun to check in every once and a while to read about your latest travels.


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