Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's the Final Countdown!

No more e-mails, no more press releases, bios, interviews, no more cell phones.. no more of GC's "final countdown" ringtone...(there is only so much a girl can handle!) we have left the building!

And now, I'm sitting here in my apartment, looking at everything that I need to start packing up. First, wondering how in the world I am going to get everything into two suitcases, and second...deciding that the best way to "figure it out" is to procrastinate and upload photos from this week's festivities that I promised. Enjoy!


Even the security guard got a kick out of it.


More cake...

Saying goodbye to my desk with a bottle of champagne and people magazine

The post-NMG group

The cardboard box...survived

Final shot of the view from my work window...adios!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Congrats you guys! I can wait for you to begin your Italian adventures!


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